Introduction to Our Faith
Our school motto is Live, Love and Learn With Jesus. This is evident as soon as you step through the doors and see that Christ is at the centre of our school.
We all work hard to make sure that everyone is treated with care and respect. Everyone is made to feel special and helped to realise their God-given talents. Every member of our school community is welcomed and valued, Catholic and non-Catholic alike.
Our curriculum and ethos instil the Gospel values in our children, teaching them to be kind, caring, forgiving and respectful young people. Links are made between the teachings of Jesus and how we behave and treat others in our own lives.
We have prayer throughout the day, assemblies, hymn practices and prayer services. Our children pray regularly throughout the day in their classrooms. Parents are invited to join us for special focused assemblies throughout the year.
Alternate groups of classes attend Mass on Wednesday mornings in our Church along with members of our parish. We also attend Mass as a whole school on particular Holy Days of Obligation.
Prayer is an integral part of school life. In school we pray in lots of different ways:
- During the week pupils from all year groups gather together at assemblies and services.
- Prayer at regular intervals throughout the day.
- There are regular circle times and prayer services in classrooms.
- Each classroom has a dedicated prayer area which includes words from Scripture, Liturgical images, artefacts and prayers.
- Time and opportunities are given for personal prayer.
- Weekly participation in Mass.
- Lunchtime prayer groups are held for pupils (Rosary group, Advent, Lent).
We work hard to include families in the prayer life of our school by encouraging them to attend assemblies and prayer services throughout the year.
St. Augustine’s School Prayer
May all the children
And adults in our school
Live, Love and Learn your ways, O Lord.
Let us follow in your footsteps
and continue to grow in peace
and share friendships with each other
now and for ever.
Our Daily Prayers
At St. Augustine’s, we have a morning prayer, end of day prayer and say grace before and after meals. You can read our prayers below:
Faith in Action
We serve our parish and local community in many ways, sharing God’s love with others whenever we can. Some ways in which we do this are:
- We hold special, reflective services and assemblies for the whole school community, especially during Advent and Holy Week.
- Good Work is celebrated in assembly every Friday.
- Performing Arts’ Assemblies, during which children can share their various talents, are held at the end of each half term – all members of the school community are welcome to attend.
- We liaise closely with our parish priest in preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
- Children participate weekly in parish Mass.
- Workshops are arranged for various classes.
- Parents are invited to work alongside their child in school – ‘Stay and Play’, Read Write Inc Workshops, Prayer Workshops, Mothering Sunday focus time.
- We take part in Lenten Roadshows and Carol Services organised for the ‘Caritas Christi in Urbe’ group of schools.
The Wednesday Word
We send a copy of the Wednesday Word home to every family in our school community.
The Wednesday Word is a double sided A4 leaflet which explains the Sunday Gospel. The children receive the leaflet to take home to share with the rest of their family. This creates an opportunity for the Word to be present in the homes of each family connected to our school. Booklets are provided to cover holiday weeks.
Charitable Support
Throughout the year we support many different charities.
Staff, pupils and families are always extremely generous in their support of others. Money is raised through fundraising events, fairs and charitable donations from the whole school community.
In recent years we have made donations to Cafod, St Mary’s Hospice, The Father Hudson Society, Autism Awareness, Macmillan Cancer Appeal, The Lord Mayor’s Charity, Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, St Chad’s Sanctuary, SIFA Fireside, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, BBC Children in Need, Comic Relief, John Taylor Hospice and Acorns Children’s Hospice to name but a few.

A coin trail, raising money for Cafod
Links with The Gambia
We have developed links with Bright Star Nursery in The Gambia.
This school relies on charitable support to provide local children with an education that they otherwise would not receive.
Very recent fundraising efforts enabled the school to complete an additional classroom and build an extra toilet. Our work with and support for the Bright Star Nursery helps our children to develop a greater understanding of what life is like for those less fortunate than ourselves.