Ofsted Inspection
St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School was last inspected in January 2023 when we were judged to be good in all aspects.
Some comments from the Inspection Report include:
- Pupils love coming to school. They are especially enthusiastic about reading, writing and mathematics. They do very well in these subjects by the time they leave school.
- Leaders encourage all pupils ‘to be the best that you can be’.
- Whatever their background or values, leaders respect all pupils equally, in line with the schools’ belief that ‘each child is made in the image and likeness of God’.
- Pupils are polite and courteous in school. Pupils behave well in lessons. They work well with each other and have strong relationships with teaching staff.
- Pupils show respect towards others with different views or lifestyles. Celebrating difference is at the heart of school life.
- Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who speak English as an additional language are able to access work in each subject through the adaptions and support leaders have put in place.
- Leaders place high emphasis on including all pupils in lessons, and this was much appreciated by all the parents spoken to.
- Leaders have high ambitions for what they want the pupils to achieve. Leaders place a strong emphasis on reading, writing and mathematics. Pupils achieve highly in these subjects. These successful outcomes are supported by pupils’ learning in a wide range of other subjects.
- Leaders have prioritised the teaching of reading. Adults teach phonics consistently well. As pupils move up the school they make even better progress as they grow in their love of reading.
- Leaders have successfully fostered a love of mathematics in pupils. Pupils have grown in confidence and are not afraid to make mistakes when explaining their answers. They are resilient learners.
- Leaders are well trained to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities. The culture is one of vigilance where staff are well trained to look for and record any signs of concern, however small.
You can read the full report below:
- Ofsted Inspection Report – January 2023
Catholic Schools Inspectorate (RE) Inspection
Our school was inspected in November 2024 when our Catholic education provision was judged good with many outstanding elements.
Some comments from the Inspection Report include:
- The school’s mission is actively lived out in daily practices, with pupils and staff consistently demonstrating compassion, service, and community values.
- Staff are inspirational role models and demonstrate a dedication to pastoral care, particularly for the most vulnerable.
- Teachers effectively utilise pupils’ prior learning, ensuring that lessons are relevant and accessible to all.
- The prayer and liturgy policy is highly effective, with leaders ensuring that it supports both teacher-led and pupil-led worship.
- The leaders and governors are highly effective. Their strategic vision and collaborative approach empowers the entire school community to embrace its Catholic identity.
- During whole school and class worship, pupils participate with reverence and respect.
- Prayer and liturgy are central to the life of the school, its heartbeat.
You can read the full report below:
- Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report – November 2024